
Photo Restoration

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Light Photo Restoration - $50

Light damage in non-detail areas.

Few scratches affecting background area

Minor fading on the entire photo.

Heavy Photo Restoration - $80

Scratch affecting but not obliterating the subject.

Some fading or spots  on the  entire photo.

Color enhancement or colorization of an intact photo.

Medium Photo Restoration - $70

Tear affecting but not obliterating the  subject.

Repair spots and scratches and color enhancement.

Change oval photo to portrait shape.

Add   or delete one person or change background.

Color enhancement or colorization of an intact photo.

Xtra Heavy Photo Restoration - $90

Extensive scratches  entire  photo. Extensive damage

in detail areas of photo Change oval photo to portrait shape. Add or delete  one person or change background.

Color enhancement or colorization of an intact photo.